Technology has engraved a lot part of the world, where in hand involvement of students is prominent factor. Today human civilization has moved a lot head in terms of technical development. Digitalization of working environment and data plays vital role in all sector. Building of robots with human interface, making nonliving things talk and other such has been one of key achievement of the world. These technologies are the future. Hence, preparing each one of us for upcoming technical era is has become more critical and relevant than ever before.
In view of current emerging technology, IoT had gained hype and hence is developing drastically. With embracement of SMART city concept and rising awareness on use of ICT, and desire of mankind it has become necessity for tech persona to have brief knowledge on IoT technologies.
The workshop is designed for the purpose to inbuilt participants with knowledge on best practice and use of IoT in generation of Smart City. It is beginners approach for laying hands on digital era of future technology. The course is based on practical approach to strengthen participants understanding on how IoT functions and how to begin with it. The course will enable you to understand how a tech enthusiast can begin to contribute for Smart City.
The sole vision of "Introduction to IoT and Integrated controllers for IoT" would be to generate manpower with idea about IoT and interest to world of future technology.
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