The certification has no prerequisites, and anyone with an interest in the subject matter can sit for this exam. ITIL Foundation certification exam prep can be accomplished via classroom or distance learning options, as well as via self-study. There is no requirement for you to complete a training course before you sit for the Foundations exam.
1.1 Recall the definition of:
a) Service
b) Utility
c) Warranty
d) Customer
e) User
f) Service management
g) Sponsor
1.2 Describe the key concepts of creating value with services:
a) Cost
b) Value
c) Organization
d) Outcome
e) Output
f) Risk
g) Utility
h) Warranty
1.3 Describe the key concepts of service relationships:
a) Service offering
b) Service relationship management
c) Service provision
d) Service consumption
2.1 Describe the nature, use and interaction of the guiding principles
2.2 Explain the use of the guiding principles
a) Focus on value
b) Start where you are
c) Progress iteratively with feedback
d) Collaborate and promote visibility
e) Think and work holistically
f) Keep it simple and practical
g) Optimize and automate
3.1 Describe the four dimensions of service management
a) Organizations and people
b) Information and technology
c) Partners and suppliers
d) Value streams and processes
4.1 Describe the ITIL service value system
5.1 Describe the interconnected nature of the service value chain and how this supports value streams
5.2 Describe the purpose of each value chain activity:
a) Plan
b) Improve
c) Engage
d) Design & transition
e) Obtain/build
f) Deliver & support
6.1 Recall the purpose of the following ITIL practices:
a) Information security management
b) Relationship management
c) Supplier management
d) IT asset management
e) Monitoring and event management
f) Release management
g) Service configuration management
h) Deployment management
i) Continual improvement
j) Change control
k) Incident management
l) Problem management
m) Service request management
n) Service desk
o) Service level management
6.2 Recall definitions of the following ITIL terms:
a) IT asset
b) Event
c) Configuration item
d) Change
e) Incident
f) Problem
g) Known error
7.1 Explain the following ITIL practices in detail, excluding how they fit within the service value chain:
a) Continual improvement including:
- The continual improvement model
b) Change control
c) Incident management
d) Problem management
e) Service request management
f) Service desk
g) Service level management
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Anamnagar - 32 Kathmandu, Nepal
+977-1-4102721, 4102722, 4244804
10 AM - 5 PM